Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel

Ultra Low Sulfur is a term used to describe a standard for defining diesel fuel with substantially lowered sulfur contents. As of 2006 , almost all the of the petroleum.based diesel fuel available in Europe and North America is of a ULSD type.
AGO LS 50 PPM (Automotive Gas Oil)
AGO LS 50 PPM (Automotive Gas Oil) Oil Petroleum Diesel 50 PPM is highly refined middle distillate, hydrocarbon fuel, and it contains less than 0.005% sulphur mass. These extremely low sulphur levels enable the diesel to be compatible with emission control devices such as catalytic converters and diesel particulate traps.
More technical properties of diesel include:
• Cetane number: minimum 40 (as of 2000)
• Cloud point: -34 degrees celsius (maximum)
• Water and sediment: 0.02% (maximum volume)
• Microbiological contamination: Bacteria - SRB causes corrosion and sludge development
• Fame content (biopart): approximately 7%
• Density: 0.832 kg/L
• Sulphur content: 50ppm
• CFFP - cold filter plugging point: up to -5 degrees celsius
• Heating (calorific) value: 45.5MJ/kg
• Flash point: 40 degrees celsius (minimum)
• Viscosity: (at 40 degrees celsius) 2.5-3.5mm2/s
• Carbon residue: 0.1% (maximum mass)
• Ash: 0.01% (maximum)
Oxidation stability: up to 0.025mg/ml.
Jet Fuel A - Jet A1 - JP54 - Kerosene
Jet Fuel is atype of aviation fuel designed for used in aircraft powered by gas-turbine engines.It is clear to straw colored in appareance.The most commoly used fuels for commercial aviation are Jet A and Jet A1 wich are produced to standardised international Specification. The only other jet fuel commoly used in civilian turbine powered aviation is Jet B wich is used for its enhance cold-weather performance.- Kerosene : Fuel Oil:Flash point generally between 100 and 150 degrees F. Kerosene consist mostly of C9 through C17 hydrocarbons.
UREA Granulate ) Urea Granulate*
UREA is the most widespread and used nitrogenous fertilizer in the world. With a nitrogen content of 46%, it is the most concentrated fertilizer. Once distributed on the ground, UREA is transformed first into ammonia salts and then into nitrates. This double reaction makes the compound have a progressive and graduated activity, simultaneously supplying the crops with fast-acting (nitrates) and reserve (ammonia salts) poorly leachable nutrients. UREA is distributed both during soil preparation and during the growth of the various crops.-

Urea Granulate Urea is the most widrespred and used nitrogenous fertilizer in the world.